Model View Controller


My Name is Hafiz Muhammad Fayyaz. A Computer Science student and I am also a Graphic Designer for past few years. this is some introduction about me.

Now, here I will  show you How to create a simple application using MVC.


  • The Model represents the application core (for instance a list of database records).
  • The View displays the data (the database records).
  • The Controller handles the input (to the database records).

  • SCOPE:

    The customer will allow to give reviews on our website.

    Follow These Steps:
    • Open Visual Studio 2013
    • Click new project
    • Give project a name
    • Go to "web"  on left hand side and click "ASP .NET Web Application"

    • Now, on next page click "MVC" and then click OK.
    • Now go to Model, right click and add class. Like this:

    • Click class --> give it a name (should in uppercase letter) --> then click add.

    • now we will write some code under the braces { }:
    public class Review
    • Then click "build solution" to build the project.(necessary).
    Following codes are in snapshot:

    • Now we need to create controller, please look at the snapshots and follow it step by step.

    • Finally! we done our first project, Now click on browser(Google chrome) on top of your application.
    • URL must look like this:localhost:52963/reviews
    • Now you can click to "Create New" to start adding review.
    • Congratulations, We are DONE!!
    Thank you !!


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